
Monday, 21 May 2012


So, I haven't written in what feels like forever. I mean, it's only been like 3 months.. :)
Nothing new has really happened. At all. Watching a fly would be more interesting than living my life.

One thing that did happen was that I had a bake sale. It's really nothing, but it sure made my parents proud. My friends and I have this little group, and when we find a "worthy" cause, we like to raise money for it. Last year we raised $850 for Japan, and this year we found Raj.

My mom is a banker, and she gets close-ish with a few of her clients. Raj is one of those clients. She has two kids, no money and terminal brain cancer. Being that she had no money and a giant tumour on her head, my friends and I thought she was worthy of getting a few extra dollars for her very costly treatment.

We only raised about $400, not even half of what we did last time, and it only paid for one week of Raj's treatment. I wasn't happy, but every one else was, and my parents were "so" proud of me. Ehh, I see no difference in myself, as I've done so many wrongs that a few rights don't make up for it.

Other than that, my school was having this contest for people to hand in short stories, and the best would be put in to the yearbook. I consider myself a fairly good writer, so I wrote a piece and was all excited to hand it in. Some thing inside of me stopped me though, and it never reached the office.

Instead, I will be posting it up on here, and on to my English class blog (we do that instead of doing journals)

Leaving the details of my life;

My friend got a call from a modelling agency! That is fricken cool to me. She is literally the prettiest person I know, so this is like long over due. They agency saw her pictures on Facebook, called her mom and they booked an appointment to meet.

Yes, there are millions of fakes out there looking for peoples money, but her mom looked them up and they seem legit. So they went for a meeting, and every thing seems cool. The only issue is, my friend needs to make a portfolio, which are expensive..

That is what I don't get. If this agency sought her out, why would they need to be paid to see more pictures of her? For me, it just doesn't add up.

So yeah, nothing interesting in my life, but maybe things will get cool soon, or this blog with have no point but to suck.


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